Where do you look for life wisdom?
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Ringing The Bell On The Bolivian Altiplano
What does the sound of a ringing bell mean to you?
The Magic and Serendipity of Travel
Is there serendipity in your travels?
Indiana Jones Meets Margaret Mead
What is your truth and where do you find it?
The Power of Motherhood, Love, and Children
How has love shaped your world?
Mark Philpott: Travel and Happiness
Would you travel without a home to come back to? What might you learn?
Pragito Dove: Laughter Meditation
Is your mind always right?
Erik Weihenmayer: Climbing Everest
What can you learn from the mountain?
Reflections on Thanksgiving
How did Piglet get to be so wise?
Kimber Leigh: Overcoming A Dysfunctional Childhood
What it the key to manifesting the life you want? “Think it, speak it, create it.”
Julie Zarifeh: Grief On the Run
“You feel good by doing good.”
Anne Lorimor: Age Is No Barrier
“I never was a think inside the box kind of person.”
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