What inspired you in 2021?
Gifting and Gratitude For the Holiday Season
What’s under your Christmas tree?
Tom Cronin: Finding Peace In Meditation
Where is the human race heading? “We’re getting intelligent because we learn, but we’re not increasing our capacity to access wisdom.” -Tom Cronin
Reflections on Thanksgiving
How did Piglet get to be so wise?
Kimber Leigh: Overcoming A Dysfunctional Childhood
What it the key to manifesting the life you want? “Think it, speak it, create it.”
Cynthia Toussaint: Healing Through Expressive Therapy
What do you want out of life? “I’m not going to look for happiness, I’m going to look for meaning.”
Julie Zarifeh: Grief On the Run
“You feel good by doing good.”
Susan Love, MD: Surgeon, Patient, Visionary
“It will all work out in the end.”
Bill Aron: A Quest For Understanding
“I will not be a passenger on the train. I want to drive the locomotive.” -From Bill Aron’s Book, New Beginnings
Mary Neal, MD: From Hope To Trust, An NDE
“How you understand death directly determines how you experience life.”
Chris Bordoni: Cultivating Resilience
“What should a more curious version of myself do in a given moment?”
Jesse Cody: Hike The Good Hike
“I made a decision. I want to live…I want to live with purpose.”
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