Cameron Auxer: When Bodies Break

Cameron Auxer
Cameron Auxer

Cameron Auxer, M.A. aka @PajamaDaze on Twitter, is one of those big hearted people you’re just lucky to have in your life. In spite of dealing with chronic illness over many years, she is always giving back. Her book “When Bodies Break –How we survive and thrive with illness and disability”  is a compilation of stories and an inspiration.

From “When Bodies Break”:

“Chronic illness has been a life-long companion on my meandering path. It wasn’t until I experienced multiple heart attacks, leaving me chronically fatigued, and for several months without short-term memory, that life as I knew it stopped dead in its tracks…


These stories aren’t about being cured…

Instead, these are tales of digging deep down into one’s suffering soul and finding the guts to create a new life.

A life with adjustments.

A life lived with purpose.

A life that works any way you can make it.”




When Bodies Break

Cameron Auxer on Bump In The Road


Bump in the Road

Everyone hits a bump in the road. The question becomes: What do you do with it?

I share stories about how people experience, manage and navigate life's bumps, hopefully using them as a pivot into a more conscious and meaningful life.