Wendy Wagner Ph.D. is a Psychologist, Hypnotherapist and Mindfulness Coach providing holistic therapy services in Northern New Mexico.
Wendy has been on a path of personal and spiritual inquiry for several decades. Then cancer struck and sent her even deeper into inquiry into realms she never dreamed of. But it was a gift that forced her into “the void”, that place of discomfort beyond one’s comfort zone. And it opened a door to greater wisdom and understanding.
“The void is creative and chock full of spirit.”
Wendy’s reflections on life, personal and spiritual growth have much to teach each of us. One of her basic tenets is that
“Everything comes to you for your benefit.”
Life is, after all, a road trip.
This podcast was recorded in late May 2020, when we were still hopeful that New Mexico would be re-opening. But the re-opening never happened. Now, in mid-October, the state is essentially shut down, and many restaurants and shops are closing permanently. No one knows what the future holds. And somehow, this conversation from early this summer, addresses this and so much more.
Bump In The Road:
Wendy Wagner
Meet Wendy E. Wagner, PhD
“My emphasis is on the correct use of the mind and mindfulness, choosing which thoughts to think.The art of thought, the art of choice.”
Wendy is a cancer survivor with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Tufts University, a Masters’ Degree in Transpersonal Psychology from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, and a Ph.D. in Transpersonal Psychology from Summit University. She is also also certified as a Master Hypnotist, an Addictions Counselor by the West Coast Institute of Addictive Studies, and a Mindfulness Coach and Doula.
“The source of most disease is in the spirit. Therefore, the spirit can cure most disease.”
–Nicola Tesla
Cancer is a traumatic event for most of us. If we’re honest, it’s a call to pay attention to our body and our soul. How do we use the trauma to grow and heal? What part does our psyche play in healing? How do we enlist the power of our mind?
A Cosmic Cattle Prod
Everything happens for your benefit.
The body is an effect of the mind.
There are no neutral thoughts.
Creating Your Reality With Thought
Science is beginning the explore the power of our minds and its influence on our world view.
As Einstein once asked:
“Is the world a friendly place?”
Your answer matters.
If you answer yes, your life experience is one of relative security and curiosity.
If not, it’s one of fear and conflict.
Which path do you choose? Because it is a choice.
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