Pat Shannon with his motorcycle
Ridin on with rare cancer

Pat Shannon is a man on a mission.


Pat Shannon with map


In February 2007, Pat was diagnosed with Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma (ACC), a rare cancer. Stage 4. With treatments at the Mayo Clinic, he has been keeping the cancer under control . But cancer drives home one’s mortality. And Pat’s answer was to take action.


“I’ll probably die from cancer, but it ain’t gonna kill me.”


There were 16 states that Pat hadn’t seen. A ten thousand mile trip. Combining his love of riding motorcylces, with a mission to raise awareness for rare cancers, in 2019 he set off across the U.S.

After over a decade of treatments and surgeris, Pat’s ride was scheduled at a fairly leisurely pace, partly for health reasons and partly to enjoy the trip. Here is Pat’s itinerary:


Ridin on with rare cancer


The trip started in Rapid City South Dakota, and from there north to Billings, MT and then to the Pacific Northwest. From there, he headed south, then cross country, up to New England and back.


Pat’s 2020 ride is on hold due to covid. Here is the itinerary for that trip:


Pat Shannon

The 2020 Itinerary, On hold for now




You can learn more about Pat and his journey at Ridin’ On With Rare Cancer.

Bump In The Road:

Pat Shannon