Jonathan Niziol: Mental Health and Healing




“I have to beat this, and I can’t let this beat me.”

-Jonathan Niziol

Bump In The Road:

Jonathan Niziol-Mental Health and Healing

The Twisting Path to Health and Awareness


No one’s life better represents a series of bumps in the road than Jonathan Niziol’s.

Jonathan’s story is one of duality-from rich to not so rich; from addiction to sobriety; from body dysphoria to body wellness. And more.

Certainly this story is about mental health awareness. But more than that, it’s about the incredible strength it takes to pull yourself out of a hole to find wholeness. If you carry around any feelings that bring you down, this is one man’s roadmap to wellness, a map that can serve us all.

Don’t miss this opportunity to listen to an incredible story of perseverance and hope. Jonathan’s journey is a reminder that no matter how difficult the road may seem, there is always a path to healing and a brighter future, for all of us.

Jonathan Niziol on Mental Health and Personal Transformation



“I have to beat this, and I can’t let this beat me.”


“I forgive myself for the bumps in the road and the wrong turns that I made.”


“Everybody deserves the same amount of respect because we are all equal.”


“Life happens outside of your comfort zone.”


“I want to try and bring people up if they’re down.”


“I wouldn’t change a thing because it’s made me who I am today.”

Bump in the Road

Everyone hits a bump in the road. The question becomes: What do you do with it?

I share stories about how people experience, manage and navigate life's bumps, hopefully using them as a pivot into a more conscious and meaningful life.