Sarah Michaud: Creating Your Reality




“Then you realize, oh, my thoughts are just thoughts. They’re not necessarily reality.”


-Sarah Michaud

Creating Your Reality: Sarah Michaud

Dr. Sarah Michaud is a clinical psychologist who has worked in the recovery field for over thirty years. She is the author of the book CoCrazy: One Psychologists recovery from codependency and addiction, A memoir and manual for Freedom. She has been sober for over forty years and brings her compassion, humor, wisdom, directness and insight to support folks on their journey of recovery. She recently launched a you tube channel called Leaving Crazytown with her sober, attorney buddy Finn . They discuss all things codependency and addiction while having lots of laughs.

This podcast touches upon major themes such as the illusion of control, practical tools for recovery and self-awareness, the need for emotional recognition and the role of joy in creating your best life.

For subscribers, Sarah and I continue our discussion here. Don’t miss this candid discussion!



Sarah Michaud On Creating Our Realities


“Addiction is one of the few illnesses that tells you you don’t have it. That’s what denial is.”


“Codependency is about believing you can fix or change or control other people in your lives.”


“To be authentic is to know what you want and need and be able to communicate it.”


“Then you realize, oh, my thoughts are just thoughts. They’re not necessarily reality.”

Bump in the Road

Everyone hits a bump in the road. The question becomes: What do you do with it?

I share stories about how people experience, manage and navigate life's bumps, hopefully using them as a pivot into a more conscious and meaningful life.