Cara Wilson-Granat: The Power of Hope

“What I couldn’t get over was that this was a man who lost everybody, his beautiful daughters that he loved more than anybody in the whole world. And yet he was the man who gave me hope.”

-Cara Wilson-Granat


Bump In The Road:

The Power of Hope with Cara Wilson-Granat

From Letters to Legacy: The Power of Hope


Cara Wilson-Granat was taken with Anne Frank’s story. Anne Frank, as you’ll recall, wrote about her experiences as a young jewish girl hiding from the Nazis as WWII approached. Her writings are published in the book The Diary of a Young Girl.

So when the chance for a Hollywood audition to star in the role of Ann Frank appeared, Cara leapt at the opportunity  She didn’t get the role, but she did get a lifelong friend and mentor in Otto Frank, Ann Frank’s father. And that relationship changed her life.

This is a story about the love of stories, about literature and about how reaching out and following your passion can impact your life’s purpose.  

You can learn more and reach Cara at



From Cara Wilson-Granat:



“Even if you believe the end of the world would be imminent, you still plant a tree today. You cannot give up hope.”


“It’s not what we carry, it’s how we carry it.”


“What I couldn’t get over was that this was a man who lost everybody, his beautiful daughters that he loved more than anybody in the whole world. And yet he was the man who gave me hope.”




Bump in the Road

Everyone hits a bump in the road. The question becomes: What do you do with it?

I share stories about how people experience, manage and navigate life's bumps, hopefully using them as a pivot into a more conscious and meaningful life.