Douglas Cardwell is a master of sound. He’s played with the Detroit and Houston symphonies and he is currently the Master Percussionist and Principal Timpanist for the New Mexico Philharmonic. Music, combined with a passion for healing, have combined to form Lotus Sound Bath .Using quartz crystal singing bowls, gongs and cymbals, Douglas creates an individualized sound experience that is part meditation, part sound healing.
Sound has been used for centuries in other cultures. Nicola Tesla was well known for his experiments in harmonics. He noted:
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
-Nicola Tesla
In Ancient Greece, Pythagoras experimented with the mathematical relationship of masses, liquid and sound. Music, he concluded was medicine.
Vibrational medicine and sound healing was also used by the Egyptians. Egyptian archaeologist Dr. Abd’ el Hakim Awyan has speculated that the granite sarcophagi were used as a couch, and people entered the chamber to absorb healing sound vibrations:
“Every chamber within the pyramid has a specific harmonic replicating the harmonics of the cavities of the human body. Sound healing techniques were then used to restore the patient’s body to the correct harmonics.”
Buddhist monks use crystal bowls in their healing rituals; American natives use sound in their ceremonies; and sound is becoming a frontier for potentially addressing a variety of maladies, from PTSD to cancer. My conversation with Douglas ranges from music to literature; from mediation to the power of our thoughts; to finding and cultivating peak performance.
Bump In The Road:
Douglas Cardwell
Douglas Cardwell: Musician and Healer

Sound baths are customized to the needs of each person
Douglas Cardwell is both a healer and a musician. He has certifications from The Medicine of Sound Wellness Center in British Columbia and Duality energy and healing training with Jeffery Allen.
For our Bump II subscribers, he’s been kind enough to share one of his compositions, Taos Tranquility. His works can be purchased here.
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Join us as we explore just how an individualized sound bath is created; the role of intuition and resilience; and the power of thought.
Want The Rest of the Story?
Using Music To Heal
Sound vibrations impact our bodies and our psyche. Taos Serenity is one of Douglas’ compositions (they can be purchased here). Enjoy, along with the second part of our conversation.
Bump II subscribers can log in here to listen to the second half of the podcast.
Taos Tranquility by Douglas Cardwell

Cross atop St Jerome Chapel, Taos
Taos Pueblo is a World Heritage site that dates back over 1,000 years. Tiwa, English and Spanish are the predominant languages. But beyond language, it is the presence of the mountains, Blue Lake, the pueblo and it’s inhabitants that create a timeless and magical feel. Here is Taos Tranquility, from Douglas Cardwell.
Some Quotes and Thoughts From Douglas Cardwell
“I do a lot better with flowing..to create the change that I can.”
“I have friends say (of sound healing) you’ve finally found what you should be doing.”
“It dawned on me, as long as I get that sensation that I’m helping someone , or many, I want to do that. That became my mantra and mission.”
“The study of energy work…was extreme growth for me.”
“Like the symphony, every day is different…and there’s no limit to growth.”
“In the western world, we don’t slow down.”
“We always have choice.”
“Anytime you can do something you haven’t done before, do it. It’s immense growth.”
“Everything is energy.”
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