“It was a combination of the Arizona community and me stepping into my purpose.”
-Jennifer Meyers, CEO and Chief Confectionist, Earth Sugar

Earth Sugar For Your Food And Your Health

One of Jennifer’s luscious gluten free Earth Sugar confections
Jennifer Meyers has become a pioneer in nutrition out of necessity. Growing up she suffered with terrible food allergies. “It took all the joy out of being a kid,” she says. Bloating, pain and serious constipation were her daily companions and led to extended hospital stays.
“I felt disgusting from the inside out.”
Her issues Impacted her emotionally and physically, particularly when she went to college and felt isolated from the food and alcohol that were such an integral part of campus life.
So Jennifer decided to bring her car to campus so she could drive 35 minutes to the nearest grocery store. She became obsessed with the ingredients in our food supply and with what she put into her body. In time, the supermarket became a therapeutic space for her. Her quest for information and her willingness to experiment gave her control of her diet and her health.
“It (the supermarket) changed into this fun educational space.”
She started creating recipes and sharing them on Instagram. One day in the gym, a young woman recognized her.
“OMG I have a fan!” Jennifer realized.
Jennifer would continue her education in food, becoming a Director of Research for a large company. Here she began to see the reality of the food business. And it wasn’t what she wanted in her body.
That job would provide her with the industry knowledge to start her own company, Earth Sugar. And what happened next is every entrepreneurs’ dream.
Bump In The Road:
Jennifer Meyers and EarthSugar
Jennifer Meyers and Earth Sugar
“There’s nothing wrong with me. It’s what’s wrong with our food.”
“I pushed all that negativity into positivity. And now I’m helping thousands of human beings.”
“I love creating things that are hyper unique.”
“I’m sharing my energy through my food.”
“Everything I do with Earth Sugar is about being a happy healthy human.”
“What I make is a part of you. I take that so seriously.”
“I want to challenge people to do something new.“
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