“The world opens up to possibility when you give yourself that space to explore who you really are,
and that you can live a life that is really aligned to you.”
-Paul Hunneycutt
Bump In The Road:
Paul Hunneycutt on The Search for His Authenticity
Growing Up In A Cult
This podcast is a story of what’s possible when we choose to turn within, to question our stories, and take the lifelong journey of finding our unique truth. For everyone on the path of personal growth and exploration, this is a must listen.
Paul Hunneycutt grew up in a cult that,as a child, left him isolated and feeling as though the world could end at any moment. But as he got older and interacted with a broader world, he started to question the cult’s belief systems that had defined his youth. He had t ocome to terms with the fact he didn’t believe in the constructs of the cult he was raised in; he had to embrace his homosexuality; and he had to find his true self. Â Along the way there were new experiences, losses, success and failure.
“How do we come to understand our own innate power and worthiness?”
Paul recognizes that an authentic life is a life-long quest. Being present, recognizing your intuition and being brave enough to follow that inner calling are all parts of the journey. Each bump in the road requires new reflection to move forward.
A friend once asked him:
“Do you have it all together?
Paul replied:
“No, but I’m gonna figure it out.”
Want The Rest of the Story?
From Cult to Consciousness
The second half of this podcast is stunning, as Paul and I both talk about life’s  adventures.
Have you had a chance to check out the Amazon Best Selling Book based on this podcast? Click here to check it out.
Paul Hunneycutt on Navigating Life
“I was told I had the devil in me.”
“I just felt bad all the time and I really hated myself. “
“I think you need to look at what that religion did to you.”
“How do we come to understand our own innate power and worthiness?”
“The world opens up to possibility when you give yourself that space to explore who you really are, and that you can live a life that is really aligned to you.”
“Do you have it all together,? No, but I’m gonna figure it out.”
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