Rick Higgins: Choosing A Nomadic Life

“You can take a gap year in life at any age.”

-Rick Higgins

Bump In The Road:

Rick Higgins on Living a Nomadic Life

The Benefits of a Nomadic LIfe


Have you ever felt trapped in the monotony of daily life, yearning for something more? Rick Higgins did, and he ditched his conventional suburban existence for an adventurous life on the road in a converted school bus.

Rick, a software engineer by trade, found himself at a breaking point. The daily grind led to a massive burnout, and he realized he couldn’t continue living the life he had been. With the support of his girlfriend, he made the bold decision to quit his job and embark on a two-year journey to discover himself. What started as a temporary escape turned into a permanent lifestyle change.

Living in a renovated school bus, Rick and his girlfriend have traveled across the United States and beyond, experiencing the beauty of nature and the kindness of strangers. From swimming with whale sharks in La Paz to finding peace in the quiet deserts of Utah, their adventures have been nothing short of extraordinary.

Rick’s decision was spurred, in part, by the death of his friend. The message iwas clear: don’t wait. Whether it’s taking a gap year or making a significant life change, the time to act is now.

And Rick did. This is his story.

Rick Higgins: Life on the Road



“You can take a gap year in life at any age.”


“Change and fear and allowing yourself to fail can lead to some pretty great discoveries.”


“The challenge is life.”


“I think life is about experiences, don’t you?”


“Don’t wait. We are entitled to find ourselves, to be happy, to do what we want, and don’t wait.”

Bump in the Road

Everyone hits a bump in the road. The question becomes: What do you do with it?

I share stories about how people experience, manage and navigate life's bumps, hopefully using them as a pivot into a more conscious and meaningful life.