Ron Mitori: A Fork In The Road



“Free people have to stay strong to survive.”

-Ron Mitori


Ron Mitori: A Fork in the Road

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Solutions or Socialism?


Ron Mitori’s new book, “Solutions or Socialism” looks to the past and to the future as the U.S. position in the world evolves.

His book starts off with stories of personal experiences under socialist regimes. One story, of Lore and her family begins:

“Lore’s father had been a successful inventor and businessman who owned a factory that produced household goods during WWII. He was also part of the underground movement that did not support Hitler. Lore had lived with her parents and two sisters in a section of Germany that became East Germany. She wanted to study and become an archaeologist as a child, but war can change your dreams. At the war’s end, that area was administered brutally by the East German police, and a wall was built separating East from West Germany. As the oldest, Lore went to live for almost three years with her grandparents because they could get a food ration card if they had a child in the house.”

Another story from Solutions or Socialism:

“Venezuela was the wealthiest country in South America. Pablo was born there, and his father was a very successful lawyer. Pablo’s cousin fled from Communist Cuba ruled by Fidel Castro to Venezuela to be near him and his family and escape Communism. One year later in 1999, Hugo Chavez became the leader of Venezuela and began dismantling the capitalism that made the country wealthy with a thriving middle class. That cousin realized he had seen this “movie” before in Cuba and wanted no part in it. He decided to leave after only one year in Venezuela. He convinced Pablo to join him and come to the US, but Pablo’s father mistakenly thought his status and wealth would continue, so he remained. Pablo now sends money to him every month to keep him from starving.”.

Looking back and looking forward, Ron sees the U.S. at a cross roads. Which way will we go? Read his book for a remarkable tour de force of our country’s ongoing evolution.


A Fork In The Road: Solutions or Socialism?



“Free people have to stay strong to survive.”


“We have hit a big pothole in our journey to become the shining city on a hill.”


“Quality education is mandated and essential for survival.”


“We’ve lost our moral compass.”


“If we ever lose our moral compass totally, the rest of the world is toast.”


Bump in the Road

Everyone hits a bump in the road. The question becomes: What do you do with it?

I share stories about how people experience, manage and navigate life's bumps, hopefully using them as a pivot into a more conscious and meaningful life.