Dan MacQueen: Life Can Change In An Instant


“It’s not easy, but it’s simple.”

-Dan MacQueen

Bump In The Road:

Dan MacQueen on Resilience

The Path of Greatest Resilience


Imagine your life turning upside down in a single moment. One day you’re a healthy, active 28-year-old enjoying life in London, and the next, you’re facing emergency brain surgery that leaves you fighting for your life. This is the new reality Dan faced when a non-cancerous cyst in his pineal gland caused a catastrophic buildup of pressure in his brain.

Dan recounts his journey from a sudden loss of vision on a London subway platform to the grueling recovery process that followed his surgery. He describes waking up in critical condition, unable to walk, talk, or smile, and the sheer determination and resilience  it took to relearn these fundamental abilities.

This episode is a powerful reminder that life can change in an instant, but it’s how we respond to those changes that truly defines us. Dan’s story will inspire you, challenge you, and perhaps change the way you approach your own bumps in the road.

Inspiration and Resilience


“It’s not what happens to you, but how you respond to it that matters.”


“It’s not easy, but it’s simple.”


“It’s about surviving and getting through this acute angle, not worrying about, like, what’s the lesson here?”


“I’m no smarter, better than anyone else… it’s just like, I’ve just driven to go forward.”


“Let’s always be solutions oriented.”

Bump in the Road

Everyone hits a bump in the road. The question becomes: What do you do with it?

I share stories about how people experience, manage and navigate life's bumps, hopefully using them as a pivot into a more conscious and meaningful life.