Lisa Sugarman: Suicide and My Dad

“We’re not alone in our experiences. Even when we feel like we are, there’s always someone else who’s experiencing what we’re experiencing.”

-Lisa Sugarman


Bump In The Road:

Lisa Sugarman on the Impact of Her Father’s Suicide 

Lisa Sugarman on Mental Health and Suicide


Lisa Sugarman is changing the narrative around suicide and mental health.

Lisa’s journey began with a personal tragedy—losing her father to suicide at a young age, a truth she only discovered decades later. This revelation propelled her into a life dedicated to mental health advocacy, where she now serves as a crisis counselor for The Trevor Project, among other roles. Her mission? To normalize the conversation about mental health and to echo the message that

“it’s okay to not be okay.”


Lisa shares her insights into the common threads she’s noticed in her interactions with those contemplating suicide. Desperation, hopelessness, and feeling like a burden are recurring themes. But Lisa doesn’t stop there. She offers strategies and resources, hoping to reach anyone who might be struggling in silence.

This is more than just a podcast episode—it’s a lifeline for those who need to hear that their struggles are seen, their voices matter, and that there is hope. Her story might just change the way you think about mental health and the power of sharing our experiences.

#MentalHealthAwareness #SuicidePrevention #ChangeTheNarrative

Lisa Sugarman Reflects on Her Father’s Life


“It’s okay to not be okay, that’s the become my own personal mission.”


“I want my father’s life to have meant something in a different way. I want his death to be something that can be some kind of a guiding light somehow for other people.”


“People feel like their life isn’t worth anything. They feel like a burden, they feel like they don’t have the coping mechanisms or the coping skills or the capacity to move on.”


“We’re not alone in our experiences. Even when we feel like we are, there’s always someone else who’s experiencing what we’re experiencing.”


“Meet yourself where you are right now.”

Bump in the Road

Everyone hits a bump in the road. The question becomes: What do you do with it?

I share stories about how people experience, manage and navigate life's bumps, hopefully using them as a pivot into a more conscious and meaningful life.