Thane Lawrie: The Buddhist CEO


“Accepting the reality of a situation allows peace to come.”

-Thane Lawrie

Author of The Buddhist CEO

Buddist CEO
Jodi studies death

The Buddhist CEO

Thane Lawrie’s novel, The Buddhist CEO, is loosely based on his own experiences in running a large organization. And on his experiences as a Buddhist.

The Buddhist CEO

The Buddhist CEO is based on Thane Lawries own life and experiences

Buddhism began in ancient India around the 5th century BCE when a prince named Siddhartha Gautama became enlightened, leading to the development of the Buddha’s teachings. These teachings spread throughout India and eventually to other parts of Asia. The Buddha’s teachings focus on the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path, which guide individuals to end suffering and attain enlightenment. Today, Buddhism is practiced by millions of people around the world and has various traditions and schools of thought.


Buddhist CEO

Silent reflection and meditation is a key part of the Buddhist practice.


Zen Buddhism is a school of Mahayana Buddhism that originated in China during the Tang dynasty and was later transmitted to Japan. It emphasizes the practice of meditation and direct experience of reality over reliance on scriptures and theoretical knowledge. The teachings often include paradoxical statements or riddles, known as koans, that are intended to challenge the student’s logical thinking and encourage a non-dualistic view of reality. Here is one koan, along with some explanation:


“An old silent pond… A frog jumps into the pond—splash! Silence again.”


This koan contemplates the nature of impermanence and the constant changes that occur in life. The image of the silent pond is a metaphor for the stillness and emptiness of the mind, while the sudden splash of the frog disrupts that stillness, representing the impermanence and unpredictability of existence. It’s about the transience of life and finding peace in the midst of constant change.

I am attracted to many things about Buddhism. I love the idea that, as Thane points out,


“Simple tasks become joyful.”


And it’s all about becoming attuned to the beauty and joy that surrounds us. It doesn’t mean there is no hardship. Just that it too shall pass.

This is a conversation about peace, presence and kindness. It’s about taking responsibility for oneself and going within, in a “modern” world that’s focused on the newest, latest, transient topic. In short, it’s a conversation for everyone.


​Bump In The Road:

Thane Lawrie, The Buddhist CEO

Thane and I continue our discussion about eternity, peace, and the Buddhist notion of finding the middle way. The conversation on eternity will leave you thinking, feeling, and wondering about the reality of life.


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Here is the conversation:



Buddhism won’t shield you from life’s bumps. But it may offer a practice for transcending them. Here are three koans that you might like to try to decipher, and their possible meanings. You can click here for an explanation of each.


Buddhist CEO Koans


“The moon is always full in the sky, but it is only seen as a whole on certain nights.”


Buddhist CEO Koans


“The moon casts no shadow, yet it moves the tides.”


Buddist CEO Moon Koans


“The moon follows the waves, and the waves follow the moon.”


Thane Lawrie: The Buddhist CEO


“Speaking to a friend, our minds are often somewhere else.”


“Very little in the modern world encourages us to be in the now.”


“If you want to change it you have to fully realize it first.”


“You’ve got to begin with yourself.”


“Daily meditation helps you let go of thoughts and live a more mindful life.”


“Do we have to experience life as suffering?”


“Accepting the reality of a situation allows peace to come.”










Bump in the Road

Everyone hits a bump in the road. The question becomes: What do you do with it?

I share stories about how people experience, manage and navigate life's bumps, hopefully using them as a pivot into a more conscious and meaningful life.