Our Need For Human Connection

“I think that it is possible to have a life energy inside you and a warmth and a friendliness and a care about engaging people that overrides anything.”

-Lise DeGuire

Bump In The Road:

Our Need For Human Connection

Our Need For Human Connection


Do you ever feel alone? Lonely? Disconnected from the rest of the world? Does it get you down?

It’s part of the human condition. And how we decide to handle it may just determine how we experience our journey in terms of our own mental health and even spirituality.

For this podcast, I invited two people who have had profound experiences that you would think would lead to incredible isolation. Each person has a totally different perspective on their experience.

Lise DeGuire shares her journey of surviving severe burns at the age of four.  Her sunny disposition and determination to make friends helped her navigate these difficult times.

Cherie’s story is equally compelling. A survivor of Hodgkin’s lymphoma, sudden cardiac arrest, and a heart transplant, she spent over a decade isolated and bedridden. Cherie speaks candidly about the different types of isolation she experienced—from the void she felt during cancer treatment, to the inability to communicate while on life support, to the prolonged isolation of her recovery. Through it all, she learned the importance of self-compassion and developing a deep relationship with her body.

I also share some of my own bumps in the road that led to experiences of isolation, including a difficult divorce and a battle with cancer. My  journey highlights how isolation can sometimes lead to profound self-discovery and spiritual growth.

Three women. Three different stories.

Perhaps one of the most important take aways is  the importance of living from the inside out, how it fosters compassion and greater connection.

Tune in to hear these inspiring stories and gain valuable insights into our common journey. You won’t want to miss this enlightening and heartfelt conversation.

Thoughts on Our Need for Connection


“I think that it is possible to have a life energy inside you and a warmth and a friendliness and a care about engaging people that overrides how you look, that overrides anything.”


“We all feel that way sometimes. Again, back to what I was saying before, I think that’s a universal experience of being a person.”


“I learned how to hold the space for compassion for myself that I never knew before.”


“We are our own medicine, and there are so many tools that we get to grow over time to help us through any of these challenging times.”





Bump in the Road

Everyone hits a bump in the road. The question becomes: What do you do with it?

I share stories about how people experience, manage and navigate life's bumps, hopefully using them as a pivot into a more conscious and meaningful life.