Sustainability is a perspective,
a mindset, and a skill set.
-Ashley Weisman

What is Sustainability?
Sustainability is a popular and growing field that attempts to integrate social science, environmental science and civil engineering. It’s both an area of study and a way of life for Ashley Weisman who is the Executive Director of Greenlight Solutions, a 501(c)3.
When Ashley graduated from Arizona State University she wanted to do something that mattered, to her and to her community. Rather than take the more lucrative route towards a corporate job, Ashley decided to dedicate herself to her passion: Promoting sustainability in the business sector.
Under her guidance, Greenlight has provided strategic solutions for over 40  businesses and completed 55 projects, with 311 college students putting in 29,317 hours. The organization was created to provide students with real world experience while helping businesses create sustainability initiatives that work for their organization. According to Harvard Business Review, firms that adopted environmental standards have seen a 16% increase in productivity over firms that did not adopt environmental standards.
The organization was founded on the idea of creating a grassroots movement to provide college students with applied project management as part of their studies by helping businesses integrate the idea of sustainability into their daily and strategic operations. As a start up, funds were limited.
“There was no paid staff when I started this organization. It’s been really challenging.”
But after two years, Ashley’s dedication has led to a full time paid position for her. And now her goal is to keep Greenlight growing, expanding and promoting the ethos of sustainability in her community.
​Bump In The Road:
Ashley Weisman: A Passion for Sustainability
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Putting A Sustainability Mindset Into Practice
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Ashley Weisman on Sustainability
“Nature is incredible and we want to conserve it.”
“Sustainability is a perspective, a mindset, and a skill set.”
“I try to stay solution based rather than problems based.”
“I feel very privileged to do the things I do.”
“I think the most challenging things in life are the most rewarding.”
“Seeing the vision and making it a reality has been really fulfilling.”
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